Wednesday, March 13, 2019

GLAST HEIM : Glast Heim Fog : GLC.X185 Collection

Rating: Class B Collection
Location: Glast Heim Chivalry

1. Find the Shiny Objects on the ground in Glast Heim Chivalry. It is indicated in the map by the yellow stars.

2. Once you have collected the 3 shiny objects, go to Murray Ruins Scholar NPC at the entrace of the map. 

3. Get the 4th Shiny Object from the map, then return to Murray.

4. Get the final shiny object from the map, then return to Murray.

5. You will receive the following items from Murray. Place them in your Handbook!

(click to enlarge)

6. Once you complete the 5 Collectibles, talk to Murray again. He will give you the GLC.X185 File Collectible. 

7. Put the GLC.X175 File in your Handbook.
8. Done with this collection! 


You will also unlock this item after completing this collection: New Hair Style from the GH Barber Shop

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for these series of guides. They are the best i have found!
