Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Unlocking Adventure Class - D

Adventure Class - D Requirement:

  1. Adventure Class - E
  2. Adventure Level 20

Unlocking Adventure Class - D

1. Go to Kakaro NPC in Prontera

2. Go to Morgan Harrison in Morroc

3. Kill 50 Desert Wolf

4. Give the following items to Morgan Harrison

1 Emperium

3 Fabric

3 Four Leaf Clover

4. Kill 10 Mini BOSSes? This part I'm really not sure since I have already accomplished this when I took the quest.

5. Give 2 more items to Morgan Harrison

1 Eva

10 Dead Branch

6. Kill Osiris in Pyramid Floor 2. You also do this quest by killing Osiris inside Endless Tower. You need to kill Osiris when this quest is active. Killing it beforehand will not auto-complete the quest.

7. Get your Test Certificate from Morgan Harrison and go back to Kakaro in Prontera

8. Done. You are now Adventure Class - D

Unlocked items after achieving Adventure Class - D

New Capturing Tool


Cat Ear Beret[1]

Important Adventure Skill that you can get after becoming Adventure Class - D

This is an Account Sharing skill, you can get it using your alternate character's 300000z and 1 skill point.

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