Sunday, January 13, 2019

Benefits of being a Mentor

Here are the benefits of being a Mentor

1. You get to buff your student(s) using the following items:

Grants 170% experience bonus for 24hours.
Student Level must be below 85

Grants +20 to all attributes for 90 minutes
Student Level must be below 70

2. You earn Mentor Medal that you can exchange for items.

3. Minor Benefit, but it helps you fill in that daily 100 hearts requirement from the Assistant

Mentor's teaching

4. Extra combat time. (Up to 120 minutes)

You can get the 30% of  combat time used by your student. 300 minutes student combat time = 120 minutes extra mentor combat time. Here are some requirements.
  • You have to be within a few meters from your student. 
  • You don't need to be in a party with your student. 
  • You can still get your extra combat time even if you're in fatigue.
  • Likewise, your student can still give you extra combat time even if they are in fatigue.
  • You can get extra combat time from all your 3 students. 
  • Limit of extra combat time is 120 minutes

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