Thursday, May 16, 2019

EVENT : Collectible : Music Genie

Level Requirement: ??
Location: Prontera West Gate

I'm not sure if you need to complete Song From Memory quest before you are able to do this. But if the shiny objects aren't in the map, try completing Song From Memory quest first.


1. Pick up the Shiny Objects in Prontera West Gate. They are indicated as musical notes in the map.

2. Put all 3 Collectibles in your Handbook.

3. Find and Talk to Ariel.

4. Talk to Stefanie before her performance.

5. Watch Stefanie's Performance.

6. Help her by waving Light Stick.

7. You will get another Collectible Item. Place it in your Handbook.

8. Done!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Why do i always got stuck when i ckick on the notes i cant move im stuck inside the church help

  3. Same with me i get stuck on to something everytime

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