Wednesday, March 6, 2019

GLAST HEIM : Glast Heim Fog : GLC.A014 Collection

Rating: Class B Collection
Location: Glast Heim Outskirts

1. Find the Shiny Objects on the ground in Glast Heim Outskirts. It is indicated in the map by the yellow stars.

2. Each one will require you to defeat one dragon monster. You can choose to get them all first before killing nearby dragon monsters, or do them one by one. 

Dragon Monsters: Green Petite, Sky Petite, Fergus

3. After completing the requirements for each of the shiny items, you will need to go to these NPCs: Gemini Hal and Gemini Anne

4. You will receive the following items from them. Place them in your Handbook.

(click to enlarge)

5. Once you complete the 8 Collectibles, Find Stardust Observer.

6. Finish Stardust Observer's Quest to get the GLC.A014 File

The answer to one of his question is: The Light of Stars

7. Put the GLC.A014 in your Handbook.
8. Done with this collection! 

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