Sunday, March 10, 2019

GLAST HEIM : Glast Heim Fog : GLC.X157 and GLC.X163 Collections


  • GLC.X157 - Class B Collection
  • GLC.X163 - Class B Collection

Location: Glast Heim Hall


When I was doing this quest, I didn't know that the collections on the map are for two different collections. That's why this is a merged post for quests GLC.X157 and GLC.X163 collections.

1. Find the Shiny Objects on the ground in Glast Heim Hall. It is indicated in the map by the yellow stars.

2. As you complete the first batch, more Shiny Objects will appear in the map. I tagged them as Batch 2. But you don't really need to complete all of the first batch for them to appear. They would appear as you finish one Shiny Object quests from batch 1. There's no right or wrong sequence to this. Just get everything that's on the map.

3. Each one will require you to complete a small quest. Once you have finished the quests, you will need to talk to these 2 Ruins Scholar NPCs. David Coz and Hughes

4. You will receive the following items from them. Place them in your Handbook.

GLC.X163 (click to enlarge)

GLC.X157 (click to enlarge)

5. Once you complete the 13 Collectibles (5 for GLC.X163 or 8 for GLC.X157), return to David Coz and Hughes to receive the GLC.X157 File and GLC.X163 File items. 

6. Put both of them in your Handbook.
7. Done with this collection!


You will also unlock this item and emoticon after completing the collections. Scared Emote and Butterfly Hairpin


  1. what is the base lvl requirement for this

    1. 86 i think. best if you're level 90 or above. its easier to do GH hunting as well
