Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Student Graduation

When a Student reaches 100% Adventure Mastery, The Mentor won't be able to give buff or get mentor medals from the student anymore. Adventure Mastery will reach 100% once the student enters Level 85.

Once your student character reaches level 85, you will be able to claim your Ph.D Hat and 50000z from the Growth Reward. Claiming this reward would also make you graduate from your student status. 

In order to Graduate, you can click the Graduation button in your growth reward. It will bring you to Tataji, Adventure's Guild Senior Mentor, in Prontera. 

Complete the quest by answering several questions from Tataji, and from the people inside Adventure HQ. Once you have completed the quest, you will get a Graduate! achievement. As well as your Ph.D Hat and 50000z reward from the Growth reward.

You are now officially a Graduate

When your Mentor checks his mentor options, your character will be categorized as "Past Students"

Congratulations on Graduating. Now, its your time to become a Mentor.

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